The Benefits of Credit Counseling: How to Get Help with Debt Management

The Benefits of Credit Counseling: How to Get Help with Debt Management


Credit counseling can be a valuable resource for individuals struggling with debt management. These services provide guidance, education, and support to help you regain control of your finances, create a sustainable budget, and work towards a debt-free future. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of credit counseling and offer tips for choosing the right credit counseling agency.

What is Credit Counseling?

A person taking credit counselling from a professional over a cup of coffee
A person taking credit counselling from a professional over a cup of coffee


Credit counseling is a service provided by certified professionals who offer financial education, budgeting assistance, and debt management advice. These experts work with clients to understand their unique financial situation, develop personalized strategies, and provide resources to help them achieve their goals. Credit counseling services often include one-on-one consultations, workshops, and educational materials to ensure clients have access to comprehensive support.


The primary goals of credit counseling are to help individuals create a workable budget, develop a debt repayment plan, and improve their overall financial well-being. By providing guidance and support, credit counselors empower clients to take control of their financial situation and make informed decisions about managing their debt. Credit counseling aims to help clients avoid bankruptcy, minimize financial stress, and ultimately, achieve a stable financial future.

Non-profit agencies

Many credit counseling agencies operate as non-profit organizations, offering affordable or free services to those in need of financial guidance. These organizations often receive funding from creditors and grants, allowing them to provide their services at low or no cost to clients. Non-profit credit counseling agencies are focused on helping clients achieve financial stability, rather than generating profits.

Types of services offered

Credit counseling agencies typically offer a range of services, including:
  • Budget counseling: Assisting clients in creating and maintaining a realistic budget based on their income, expenses, and financial goals.
  • Debt management plans: Developing personalized plans for clients to repay their debts in a manageable and timely manner.
  • Credit education: Providing information and resources to help clients understand their credit reports, improve their credit scores, and use credit responsibly.
  • Financial workshops and seminars: Offering group learning opportunities to teach clients about various aspects of personal finance, such as budgeting, credit management, and saving for the future.
By engaging with a credit counseling agency, individuals can gain access to expert advice, support, and resources to help them navigate their financial challenges and work towards a more secure financial future.
Did you know that credit counseling has been around since the 1950s? The first credit counseling agency, the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC), was founded in 1951 to help Americans manage their debts and improve their financial well-being. Today, the NFCC remains a leading organization in the credit counseling industry, with member agencies across the United States.

The Benefits of Credit Counseling

A coffee cup with a book on credit counselling that has the word “Knowledge” written on it’s side.
A coffee cup with a book on credit counselling that has the word “Knowledge” written on it’s side.

Financial education

Credit counselors provide valuable financial education, including budgeting techniques, credit score improvement strategies, and responsible borrowing practices. They teach clients essential financial skills, such as tracking expenses, setting financial goals, and understanding the impact of interest rates on debt repayment. By equipping clients with the tools needed to manage their finances effectively, credit counselors help them avoid future debt problems and make well-informed financial decisions.

Personalized debt management plans

Credit counselors work with clients to create tailored debt management plans, which outline a clear path to debt repayment and financial stability. These plans take into account the client's unique financial situation, debt levels, and goals, providing a roadmap to help them become debt-free. A personalized debt management plan may include strategies like debt consolidation, prioritizing high-interest debts, or negotiating with creditors for better repayment terms.

Negotiating with creditors

Credit counseling agencies can negotiate with creditors on behalf of clients, potentially securing lower interest rates, waived fees, and more manageable repayment terms. These negotiations can help clients pay off their debts more quickly and save money on interest and fees. Credit counselors are skilled negotiators who understand the intricacies of creditor policies and are well-versed in advocating for their clients' best interests.

Emotional support

Credit counseling provides emotional support and encouragement, helping clients stay motivated and accountable throughout their debt repayment journey. Managing debt can be overwhelming, and having a knowledgeable, non-judgmental professional to guide and support clients can make a significant difference in their success. Credit counselors offer empathy and understanding, helping clients overcome feelings of shame, guilt, or fear associated with their financial struggles.

Prevention of bankruptcy and other financial pitfalls

Credit counseling can help clients avoid bankruptcy and other financial pitfalls by providing guidance on alternative solutions, such as debt management plans or debt settlement. Bankruptcy should be considered a last resort, as it has long-lasting consequences for an individual's credit and financial future. Credit counseling can help clients explore all available options before resorting to more drastic measures.

Access to additional resources

Credit counseling agencies often have connections to other financial resources and organizations, such as housing counseling, student loan assistance, or legal aid. These resources can be invaluable for clients looking to address multiple financial challenges and improve their overall financial situation.
By engaging with a credit counseling agency, individuals can reap numerous benefits that not only help them manage their current debt but also set them on a path to long-term financial stability and success.
Did you know that a 2019 study conducted by researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign found that individuals who participated in credit counseling experienced a significant reduction in financial stress? The study revealed that credit counseling clients reported lower stress levels and improved financial behaviors, such as increased savings and reduced reliance on payday loans, demonstrating the positive impact of credit counseling on both financial well-being and mental health.

Choosing the Right Credit Counseling Agency

Photo of a confused young adult while choosing the right credit counseling agency for himself.
Photo of a confused young adult while choosing the right credit counseling agency for himself.

Research and referrals

Begin your search for a credit counseling agency by seeking referrals from friends, family, or online reviews. Word-of-mouth recommendations can provide valuable insight into the experiences of others, helping you gauge the credibility and effectiveness of potential agencies. Conduct thorough research on each agency to ensure they have a solid reputation and positive client outcomes. Check the Better Business Bureau (BBB) for any complaints or negative reviews.

Accreditation and certification

Look for agencies accredited by organizations such as the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) or the Financial Counseling Association of America (FCAA). Accreditation is a sign of an agency's commitment to high-quality services and adherence to industry standards. Ensure that the counselors are certified by a reputable organization, such as the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards or the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education. Certified counselors have undergone rigorous training and are held to a high ethical standard.

Fee structure

Understand the agency's fee structure and inquire about any sliding-scale options or financial assistance for low-income clients. Legitimate credit counseling agencies should be transparent about their fees and offer affordable services to those in need. Be cautious of agencies that charge excessively high fees or pressure you to enroll in costly debt management plans.

Services offered

Confirm that the agency offers a comprehensive range of services, including budget counseling, debt management plans, and financial education workshops. A well-rounded credit counseling agency should provide a holistic approach to debt management, addressing both immediate concerns and long-term financial goals. Inquire about any additional services or resources the agency may provide, such as housing counseling or student loan assistance.

Client testimonials and success stories

Look for client testimonials and success stories to gauge the effectiveness of the credit counseling agency. Positive experiences and outcomes from past clients can provide insight into the agency's ability to help individuals achieve their financial goals.

Communication and rapport

Choose a credit counseling agency that makes you feel comfortable and respected. Effective communication and rapport between you and your counselor are crucial for a successful counseling experience. Schedule an initial consultation to assess whether the counselor is a good fit for your needs and can provide the support and guidance you require.
By carefully evaluating potential credit counseling agencies and considering the factors mentioned above, you can find a reliable and effective agency to help you manage your debt and improve your financial well-being.
Did you know that credit counseling agencies in the United States are subject to oversight by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)? Non-profit credit counseling organizations must comply with stringent guidelines to maintain their tax-exempt status, ensuring that they prioritize the best interests of their clients and offer affordable services. This oversight by the IRS adds an additional layer of protection and accountability for consumers seeking credit counseling services.

What to Expect During Your Credit Counseling Sessions

Photo of a laptop with a cup of coffee and notebook, where a person was preparing for their first credit counselling session
Photo of a laptop with a cup of coffee and notebook, where a person was preparing for their first credit counselling session

Initial consultation

Your credit counseling journey typically begins with an initial consultation, either in-person, over the phone, or via video conference. During this session, your counselor will assess your financial situation, gather information about your income, expenses, debts, and financial goals, and discuss any concerns or challenges you may be facing. This information will help the counselor understand your unique needs and tailor their advice accordingly.

Budget review and creation

Your counselor will work with you to review your current budget (or create one if you don't have one) and identify areas for improvement. They will help you categorize and track your expenses, prioritize essential expenses, and find ways to reduce discretionary spending. The goal is to create a realistic and sustainable budget that aligns with your financial goals and enables you to manage your debt effectively.

Debt analysis and repayment strategies

Your counselor will analyze your debts, including interest rates, balances, and repayment terms, to develop a customized debt repayment plan. They may recommend strategies such as debt consolidation, balance transfers, or prioritizing high-interest debts. Your counselor will also discuss the pros and cons of various debt repayment options, ensuring that you understand the implications of each choice.

Credit report review

Your counselor may review your credit report to help you understand the factors affecting your credit score and provide guidance on how to improve it. They will educate you about the importance of timely payments, responsible credit use, and maintaining a healthy credit mix. By improving your credit score, you can increase your chances of securing more favorable loan terms in the future.

Financial goal setting

Together with your counselor, you will set realistic short-term and long-term financial goals, such as building an emergency fund, saving for a down payment on a home, or planning for retirement. Your counselor will provide guidance on how to achieve these goals and incorporate them into your budget and debt repayment plan.

Ongoing support and follow-up

Credit counseling is an ongoing process, and your counselor will provide regular follow-up sessions to track your progress, address any challenges, and adjust your plan as needed. These sessions help to ensure you stay on track and maintain the motivation to achieve your financial goals.
By actively participating in your credit counseling sessions and following your counselor's guidance, you can develop the skills and strategies necessary to manage your debt effectively and achieve financial stability.
Did you know that credit counseling can have a positive impact on your credit score? Contrary to some misconceptions, participating in credit counseling does not harm your credit score. In fact, by following your counselor's advice and developing healthy financial habits, such as timely bill payments, responsible credit use, and reducing your debt, you can actually improve your credit score over time. This highlights the benefits of credit counseling in not only addressing your immediate debt concerns but also setting you up for a brighter financial future.

Tips for Maximizing the Benefits of Credit Counseling

Photo of a person feeling happy after having a productive credit counselling session.
Photo of a person feeling happy after having a productive credit counselling session.

Be proactive

Seek credit counseling as soon as you recognize signs of financial difficulty, such as mounting debt or difficulty making payments. The sooner you address these issues, the more options you'll have for managing your debt and minimizing potential damage to your credit score.

Be honest and transparent

Provide accurate and complete information about your financial situation to your credit counselor. Honesty and transparency are essential for developing an effective debt management plan tailored to your unique circumstances.

Be prepared

Gather all relevant financial documents before your counseling sessions, such as bank statements, credit card bills, loan documents, and pay stubs. Having this information readily available will help your counselor better understand your financial situation and develop a personalized plan for you.

Ask questions

Don't hesitate to ask your counselor questions or seek clarification on any aspects of your financial plan that you don't understand. A well-informed client is more likely to succeed in managing their debt and achieving their financial goals.

Stay committed

Stick to the budget and debt repayment plan developed by your credit counselor, even when it may feel challenging. Staying committed to your plan will help you make steady progress toward your financial goals and achieve long-term success.

Regularly review your progress

Schedule regular check-ins with your credit counselor to review your progress, address any challenges, and adjust your plan as needed. Maintaining an open line of communication with your counselor will help ensure that you stay on track and receive the ongoing support you need.
By following these tips, you can maximize the benefits of credit counseling and put yourself on the path to a brighter financial future.
Did you know that the idea of credit counseling dates back to the 1950s? The first credit counseling organization, the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC), was established in 1951 to help American families manage their finances in the post-World War II era. The NFCC was initially focused on providing financial education and budgeting assistance, but over time, its services evolved to include debt management plans and other comprehensive financial counseling services. Today, the NFCC remains a leading accrediting organization for credit counseling agencies, ensuring that consumers receive high-quality, ethical financial counseling services.


Credit counseling offers numerous benefits for individuals seeking help with debt management. By working with a certified credit counselor, you can gain valuable financial education, develop a personalized debt repayment plan, and receive support throughout your journey towards financial stability. When choosing a credit counseling agency, prioritize accreditation, certification, and a solid reputation to ensure you receive the best possible guidance and support.

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